
Andhra Pradesh: Alla Ramakrishna Reddy’s Resignation from YSRCP


In a surprising move that sent shockwaves through Andhra Pradesh’s political landscape, Alla Ramakrishna Reddy, a MLA of the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) from Mangalagiri, resigned from the assembly on December 11, 2023. His decision to step down from both his legislative position and party membership has raised eyebrows and speculation about the future political scenario in the region.

Despite the seismic nature of Ramakrishna Reddy’s resignation, there has been no official reaction from the YSRCP thus far. The absence of an immediate response from the party has only intensified the curiosity surrounding the circumstances leading to this unexpected development.

RK Anna: The Ground Leader’s Departure

Alla Ramakrishna Reddy, fondly known as “RK Anna,” has long been acknowledged as a ground leader with a strong connection to the people. His sudden departure leaves a void in the YSRCP, and the party now faces the challenge of addressing the concerns and sentiments of Mangalagiri constituency.

One of the notable features in Ramakrishna Reddy’s political cap is his victory in the 2019 assembly elections, where he triumphed over Lokesh, the son of Chandrababu Naidu, a heavyweight in Andhra Pradesh politics. This win solidified his standing and contributed to his reputation as a formidable force.

Uncertain Future for Mangalagiri Seat

Throughout his tenure, Ramakrishna Reddy has been a vocal advocate against corruption within the Telugu Desam Party (TDP). His efforts to expose and combat corruption have made him a prominent figure in the anti-corruption narrative, garnering support from those critical of the political establishment.

Mangalagiri has historically been a hot seat in Andhra Pradesh politics, and Ramakrishna Reddy’s sudden resignation adds an element of uncertainty to the constituency’s future. Political observers are keenly watching for the YSRCP’s response and the potential candidates for the 2024 elections.

There are discussions in political circles about the possibility of him not getting a chance to contest from Mangalagiri in the upcoming elections.

Ramakrishna Reddy, elected as an MLA in 2014 and re-elected in 2019, has had a roller-coaster journey. Despite defeating Ganji Chiranjeevi in 2014, he faced challenges in 2019 when Nara Lokesh, the TDP national general secretary, contested from Mangalagiri. While he won the election by a significant margin, he missed a cabinet berth despite expectations.

Also Read: Unverified Video Creates Chaos In Andhra Pradesh: Wake-Up Call For YSRCP Social Media

Lingering Controversy and the CID Investigation

Ramakrishna Reddy’s vocal stance against Chandrababu Naidu’s residence at Undavalli resulted in a formal complaint. The subsequent CID investigation, detailed in G.O. Ms. No. 89 on May 12, 2023, led to attachment orders. The government clarified that the CID probe was initiated based on Ramakrishna Reddy’s complaint.

Ramakrishna Reddy’s Personal Thanks and YSRCP’s Awaited Statement

In a press conference, Ramakrishna Reddy expressed gratitude to Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy for providing him opportunities but cited personal reasons for his resignation. While his personal reasons remain undisclosed, the awaited official statement from the YSRCP is expected to shed light on the party’s perspective on this unexpected turn of events.

Alla Ramakrishna Reddy’s resignation unfolds as a complex chapter in Andhra Pradesh politics. The lack of an immediate response from the YSRCP and the myriad speculations surrounding his departure add layers to the unfolding political drama. As the region braces for potential repercussions, the coming days will likely provide clarity on the future course of Mangalagiri and the YSR Congress Party in this politically charged environment.

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