Today on November 26, on the eve of the Constitution Day, Dr.BR Ambedkar’s statue is all set to unveil in the premises of the Supreme Court of India. It took 76 years to accept Ambedkar on the highest court’s lawn after the culmination of decades-old struggle, petitions and demands. Despite drafting the Constitution and being the Chairman of the Committee, Ambedkar’s legacy was evaded from recognition and admiration in the public discourse.
Thanks To Phule Couple & Dr.Ambedkar Who Fought For Women’s Rights. It is said that laws are all man-made & hence the subordinate position accorded to women In Manusmriti & Other Religious Books. It can also be said that laws are all made by the strong & the mighty to subjugate…
— Analp chandra (@analp_chandra) May 24, 2023
Father of the Indian Constitution
When we call him the” Father of the Indian Constitution or the Architect of Modern India”, we hardly acknowledge his immense contribution to nation-building. Nevertheless, Dr.BR Ambedkar is far ahead of any other leaders in South Asia, in terms of erudition, intellect and contribution to society. Ironically, most of the Indians view Ambedkar as a Dalit leader but not Gandhi as a Bania leader or Nehru as the Brahmin leader. This exposes how the caste is deeply ingrained in the social psyche of Indian society.
It is ubiquitous that there is an aggressive bid to appropriate and claim to be the gatekeepers of Ambedkar’s legacy by the mainstream political parties. But his ideas are predominantly revolutionary and distinguished from any thinker ever produced in India. This article is an attempt to comprehend Ambedkar’s reformative measures and initiatives in elevating women’s status, rights and freedom in the Indian Society.
Doctor VS Saint
— Analp chandra (@analp_chandra) May 26, 2023
Role of Dr. Ambedkar in Women’s Liberation-His first demand of adult franchise, which was met in the early 20s after resistance from the brahmins, gave voting rights to untouchables as well as to women.That was the beginning of an era of liberation for women.
Social Reformer Beyond the Constitution Maker
Ambedkar believed in the Philosopher Edmund Burke’s words, ‘those who want to conserve must be ready to repair’. Dr.BR Ambedkar, through thorough intellectual investigation and extensive research over decades found out that the degrading status of women was perpetuated by the Hindu social order which derives legitimacy from Hindu Shastras and Smritis. In his book ‘Castes in India’, he illustrated how women and their sexuality is controlled, all hinge on the maintenance of the caste system. Ambedkar asserted that ‘if you want to maintain the Hindu society do not hesitate to repair where the repair is necessary.’
Ambedkar ferociously facilitated the legal recognition of women as equal citizens. His arguments were more pragmatic than idealistic, even the opposition from conservative members of the Parliament were persuaded by his egalitarian notions.
11th April in 1947,
— Radical Panther 2.0 (@RadicalPantherR) April 11, 2023
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Reintroduced #HinduCodeBill in The Constituent Assembly. This Bill was introduced in the Parliament on 1st Aug 1946 but not Acted upon. Hindu Code Bill is Nothing but a declaration of Women Rights & Self Respect.#ThanksDrAmbedkar
Crusader of Women’s Rights
Dr.BR Ambedkar proclaimed that, “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved. “Being the first law minister of India, he proposed “The Hindu Code Bill” to codify the Hindu personal laws which would bring women to par with men in all spheres of life. The bill was vehemently opposed by Nehru’s cabinet deeming it derogatory to the Dharmashastras. This led Ambedkar to resign from the Parliament because he had “to be true to himself”.
We must note that Ambedkar is the first person in India to raise his voice against gender inequality and the dire need of women’s rights. His battle for women is a struggle of more than 2500 years of indignity. He emphasised women’s education, and equal treatment with men to empower them to reclaim their social rights. He asked women to embrace modern values, inculcate a progressive outlook and incorporate intersectionality to liberate themselves.
On this day, we commemorate Babasheb Dr. B R Ambedkar for his contribution to women's rights movement by drafting and presenting the historical Hindu Code Bill in the parliament on 5th February in 1951. The bill had challenged Brahminical patriarchy and was opposed by members.
— All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch (@DalitWomenRise) February 5, 2023
Contribution for women rights
Dr.BR Ambedkar’s ‘The Hindu Code Bill’ of 1955 was a watershed moment in the history of women’s rights in India. His bill gave the right to women to divorce and maintain, the legal right to inherit property, adopt a child and be a natural guardian of their children. He framed various laws for women in India including the “Women’s Labour Welfare Fund, Women Labour Protection Act, Maternity Benefit for Women Labour Bill, Leave Benefit to Piece Workers, Revision of Scale of Pay for Employees, Restoration of Ban on Women Working Underground in Mines, maintenance allowance from husband after legal separation, equal pay for equal work irrespective of sex, voting rights for women, adoption of child by a widow, right over parental property and marriage not before 18 years”.
Ambedkar articulated that political democracy can be successful only if social democracy exists, else, it will collapse the roots of the society. When Ambedkar died in 1956, Nehru stated “Dr.Ambedkar would be remembered, above all, as a symbol of revolt against all the oppressive features of Hindu society. He will be remembered also for the great trouble he took over the question of Hindu law reform. I am happy that he saw that reform”.
Dr Ambedkar comes to cure the disease of the patient ‘Hindu Society’ through the medicine Hindu code bill, but the patient shows fists to Ambedkar.
— The Dalit Voice (@ambedkariteIND) November 17, 2023
Ambedkar was the first feminist in India who strongly fought for Women Rights. Just imagine the Life of Women without Ambedkar.
Ambedkar’s Constitutional Protection to Women
The Indian Constitution guarantees social and economic rights and justice to women, because of his utmost efforts and struggles. The fundamental right, Article 15 prohibits discrimination against women. The Article 15 (3) empowers the state to make positive discrimination in favour of women and children. The Article 42 enjoins the state to make provisions for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief. The Article 51 A (e) imposes a fundamental duty on every citizen to renounce the practices derogatory to the dignity of women. Ambedkar advocated the political movement and participation of women in politics.
Based on these principles, the Article 243 D (3) makes a provision that not less than one-third of the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in every panchayat shall be reserved for women. Apart from this, article 243 T (3) makes a provision that not less than one-third of the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in every municipality shall be reserved for women. Ambedkar fought to remove all disparities and inequalities which women encountered in Indian society, eventually empowering and uplifting the women.
Also Read: Heroines: Women In South Politics
He is a pioneer of social justice and a true reformer. His paramount role in reconstructing the society in the ideas of justice, liberty, equality, fraternity and dignity of every individual is unparalleled. He awakened the consciousness of the oppressed to fight for rights through his writings and speeches. Today. Dr.BR Ambedkar is a symbol of reform and revolution against all oppressions and injustices in an unequal society. We must not forget that, he laid the foundation for a modern India on the basis of equality and shuffled a new social order that considers the empowerment of all sections of society, envisaging a holistic development.
[…] Also Read: Constitution Day: What Is Ambedkar’s Contribution To Women? […]