
Chandrababu Naidu’s Letter: Security Concerns of a Z+ Category Protectee in Central Prison, Rajamahendravaram

chandrababu letter

In a stunning saga of supposed peril, Chandrababu Naidu, TDP Chief and the erstwhile Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, penned a letter that read like a script from a high-octane political thriller, dated October 25, 2023, the letter was addressed to the Hon’ble Special Judge for SPE & ACB Cases-Cum-III ADJ, Vijayawada, Mr. Naidu, sheds light on a alleged series of disturbing incidents that have unfolded in and around the Central Prison, Rajamahendravaram. the letter reveals a shocking tale of security breaches, political vendettas, and threats to life, painting a picture of the challenges faced by Chandra Babu Naidu despite his Z+ category security status.

Assertions and claims made by Naidu:

Chandrababu Naidu begins by recounting his transfer to judicial remand on September 10, 2023, and subsequent placement in the Central Prison, Rajamahendravaram. He describes unauthorized videography and photography during his entry and stay in the prison. To his horror, these images were claimed to be leaked by the police themselves, tarnishing his reputation and putting his life at risk. The source of this leak, according to Naidu, was the party in power, which orchestrated a malicious campaign against him, openly disregarding his security concerns.

The letter has various twists as Naidu claims that an anonymous letter reached the Superintendent of Police, East Godavari, and prison authorities, indicating a plot by left-wing extremists to assassinate him. Shockingly, no measures were taken to verify the letter’s authenticity or prevent a potential attack.

Further intensifying the security nightmare, Naidu narrates incidents involving prisoners within the Central Prison. One remand prisoner, arrested in an NDPS case, roamed freely with a pen camera, violating the privacy of fellow inmates. Additionally, miscreants threw ganja packets into the prison, with 750 out of 2200 prisoners allegedly involved in NDPS offenses, posing a direct threat to Naidu's security.

The most alarming revelations concern as per Naidu, is  the use of drones, Naidu claims unidentified individuals flew drones over the prison, capturing Naidu’s movements. Despite these clear security breaches, local law enforcement failed to investigate, revealing a disturbing helplessness within prison. Another drone flew over the prison’s main gate, capturing images of Naidu’s family members, raising concerns not only for him but also for the safety of his loved ones.

Naidu’s security concerns extend beyond prison walls. In his letter he alleges numerous physical attacks by ruling party cadres, supported by the police, during his public engagements in the recent past. From stone-pelting incidents to false cases.

Naidu’s letter emphasized the urgent need for enhanced security measures both inside and outside the Central Prison, Rajamahendravaram, to safeguard his life, protect his family and uphold democratic values. The judicial implications of this letter is yet to be seen!

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