Kerala is set to initiate a “back to school” initiative targeting 46 lakh women, who are part of the Kudumbashree poverty alleviation mission. Over the upcoming months, 2,000 schools will open their doors on weekends to offer training in sync with the digital era. The primary objectives of this program are to empower women, improve household incomes, and bolster the overall effectiveness of the Kudumbashree mission.
These classes will encompass a range of subjects, including strengthening organizational abilities, enhancing community well-being, and acquiring essential skills for the digital age. The primary goal of the initiative is to reinforce the three-tier system within the mission and enable local neighborhood groups to embark on fresh projects.
It is a 21-day training program resembling schools with the objective of empowering women from disadvantaged backgrounds to explore new avenues in business. Kudumbashree has operated successfully for the past 25 years and is now preparing to expand its activities into new domains such as large-scale enterprises and service sectors. To fulfill this aspiration, it is essentially required to provide training to Kudumbashree members, hence the extensive training effort is underway.
M.B.Rajesh, Minister, Local Self Government Department, GoK performed the State Level Inauguration of #Kudumbashree 'Thirike Schoolil' (Back to School) Campaign at K.B.Menon Memorial Higher Secondary School,Thrithala,Palakkad on 1 October 2023#WomenEmpowerment #BackToSchool
— Kudumbashree Mission (@kudumbashreeweb) October 3, 2023
What is Kudumbashree scheme?
Kudumbashree is a poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment initiative launched in the state of Kerala, India, under the auspices of the State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM).
The term “Kudumbashree” translates to “prosperity of the family” in Malayalam, encompassing both the Kudumbashree Community Network and the Kudumbashree Mission. This program was established in 1997, in response to the decentralization of authority to Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Kerala and the People’s Plan Campaign.
Over the course of three phases from 2000 to 2002, it extended its reach across the state and is accessible to all adult women, with one membership allotted per family. In 2011, Kudumbashree gained recognition as the State Rural Livelihoods Mission under the National Rural Livelihoods Mission by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.
The mission functions via a three-tier structure, which comprises Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs) at the grassroots level, Area Development Societies (ADS) at the ward level, and Community Development Societies (CDS) at the local government level. This framework constitutes an extensive network of Self-Help Groups.
Kudumbashree’s success over the years
Operating almost over two decades, this women’s self-help group network and poverty eradication program in the state of Kerala has empowered women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds by providing them with opportunities for entrepreneurship, skill development, and social support.
The group has helped in achieving food security by establishing Janakeeya Hotels across the state, offering affordable meals. They even donated Rs.7 crore to the Chief Minister’s distress relief fund during the devastating floods in Kerala and provided counselling to over 8,000 families affected by the floods.
The group has become a successful example of grassroot development and has also helped other states by providing consultancy to their initiatives for women empowerment.