
RTC Conductor Sri Vidya’s Suicide Sparks Protest in Hyderabad

rtc bus

In a tragic incident, Ganji Sri Vidya, a 48-year-old RTC conductor working in the Bandlaguda depot in Hyderabad, committed suicide. Sri Vidya was suspended from her duties on October 12th. Upset over the suspension, she attempted suicide by taking a high dose of BP tablets. She lost consciousness after that, and her family members rushed her to the hospital. Despite medical treatment, she passed away in the evening of October 16th. Upon learning of the incident, Bandlaguda RTC employees were outraged and staged a protest in front of the depot on Tuesday, October 17th. They have not allowed any buses from the depot, demanding to punish the officials who are the reason for her suicide by suspending her.

Sri Vidya family members on her suicide

The family members of the late Sri Vidya have alleged that she committed suicide due to harassment from Bandlaguda RTC officials. According to them, she was suspended from her job as a conductor for not meeting her collection targets. As a consequence, officials transferred her to Hayat Nagar RTC depot. The family also stated that her daughters’ marriage arrangements were underway and scheduled for this month. They said that Srividya was deeply saddened after being suspended from her job, especially during her daughter’s wedding, a time when she was supposed to be happy. They further added that it was solely due to the suspension that she committed suicide.

RTC employees who working in Bandlaguda depot staged a protest infront of it and demanded to serve the jusitice to her punishing officials who suspended Sri Vidya. They alleged that Bandlaguda RTC depot Assistant Manager Shalini is the reason for her death. They alleged she is harassing employees with over duties. They further said, she is alloting night shifts to lady conducters, and not even given a holiday on Rakhi festival. The RTC workers demanded that strict action be taken against those responsible for her suicide, in order to prevent a situation like Srividya’s from happening to anyone else.

Some of the congress leaders from the LB Nagar constituency joined the employees protest in support of Sri Vidya’s family members. They demanded the government take action against the officials who pressured her with regards to her job.

Bandlaguda DVM refuted allegations

Responding to Sri Vidya’s death at the Bandlaguda RTC depot, the DVM of the depot has denied the allegations made against the officials. He said that Sri Vidya had been suffering from a long-standing illness and had a habit of taking sleeping pills every day to get sleep. Furthermore, he stated that if she had any issues with her duties, she should have complained to the Welfare Committee. Additionally, he refuted the claim that she had been transferred to the Hayatnagar RTC depot, emphasising that there was no truth to the allegations. Currently, LB Nagar police have registered Sri Vidya’s suicide case and are investigating after receiving a complaint from her son.

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