Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Nizamabad has become a sensation in Telangana politics. He made unexpected comments on Telangana Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) at Nizamabad. PM Modi, who visited Telangana for the second time in three days, intensified his criticism of the BRS government. PM Modi, who has been targeting KCR for years saying family rule and family corruption, has taken the attack on BRS to another level this time. Reacting strongly to PM Modi’s comments, the IT minister KTR, who is number 2 in BRS tried to give a strong counter. He said that he is responding on behalf of Chief Minister KCR as he is currently suffering from illness.
PM Modi reveals a secret! :
Prime Minister Modi addressed the ‘Janagarjana Sabha’ held on Tuesday (October 03) at Giriraj College grounds in Nizamabad. On this occasion, he revealed something that was never said before. He said that KCR came to him when there was a hung in the results of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Elections in 2020. He said that KCR wanted the support of BJP which won 48 seats in that election. Moreover, he said that he sought his blessings to make his son KTR the Chief Minister. He said that he had never seen the love that KCR showed towards him at that time. Moreover, he said that he has appealed to include BRS in NDA. Modi revealed that he rejected all the appeals placed before him without another word.
He made it clear to KCR that the BJP is ready to be sit in opposition but it will not join hands with the BRS. He said that he strongly replied that to make KTR the Chief Minister, you are the Maharaja or this is the monarchy. Since then KCR is afraid to look into his eyes and corrupt people are afraid to sit next to him. Furthermore, it was revealed that BRS had made financial contributions to the Congress party during the Karnataka assembly elections.
PM Modi exposes KCR during the Public Meeting in Nizamabad, Telangana!
— BJP (@BJP4India) October 3, 2023
Watch the complete Public Meeting:
KTR’s counter attack on Modi :
Telangana Minister of IT KTR strongly criticized PM Modi’s remarks on KCR, expressing his anger towards the Prime Minister’s continuous spreading of lies. He accused the NDA of being a sinking ship and questioned the sanity of anyone wanting to join such a party. KTR further emphasized that he did not need PM Modi’s permission to become the Chief Minister. He ridiculed the BJP, referring to it as Biggest Jumla Party, and even went on to suggest that if PM Modi were to become a writer for movies, he may have a chance of winning an Oscar for his fiction. KTR also reminded everyone that it was the BJP who expressed interest in aligning with BRS, not the other way around, and pointed out that Laxman, the President of BJP Telangana, openly spoke about it. In response to PM Modi’s comments on family politics, KTR questioned whether Union Ministers Jyotiraditya Scindia, Anurag Thakur, and BCCI Chief Jai Shah had achieved their positions solely on the basis of their family background, just like several leaders from Akali Dal, PDP, TDP, and Shiv Sena in the NDA coalition.
He said that they recently formed an alliance with JDS in Karnataka. He questioned whether the Deve Gowda family is practicing politics of succession. He described what the central IT department was doing if they had given money to the Congress party in Karnataka. He asked what happened to the cases filed against people like Himanta Biswa Sharma and Jyotiraditya Scindia when they were in the Congress. If the Chief Ministers meet him, it is outrageous that the Prime Minister uses those meetings for his nefarious politics. He said that if a Chief Minister go to meet a lying Prime Minister like Modi, he will need to take cameras with him. Rahul Gandhi came and called us the B team of the BJP, and Modi came and said we are friends with Congress. KCR means fighter; he will not work with a cheater like Modi, KTR said.
How is KCR going to react ..!
There has been stagnation in the Telangana BJP for a few months. The political fight is mainly between BRS and Congress. The enthusiasm that existed when Bandi Sanjay was the state president is now not visible in the party ranks. At such a moment, PM Modi’s verbal attack on KCR has brought a jolt to the party. There is a debate whether Modi attacked KCR to increase BJP’s graph. However, as the elections neared, PM Modi turned up the political heat even more.
In the past, KCR has been friendly with the BJP at the centre, supporting it on issues such as demonetisation, GST, and other critical issues. After that, there was a change in him as the BJP gained a bit of momentum in Telangana. If Modi comes to Telangana, he will not even go to give a welcome. In Nizamabad, Modi dropped a bombshell saying that this is the real reason he is not facing him. So far, only KTR has responded to Modi’s secret. If KCR responds to this in his own style, the political intensity is likely to increase more ahead of assembly elections.