
Israel At War : Where does the world stand?

Israel at war

We are at war and we will win it’, said Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu as Hamas launched surprise attacks soon after hundreds of rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel on Saturday. The Israeli PM warned that the enemy will have to “pay a heavy price the type of which it has never known” for their actions.

“Citizens of Israel, we are at war, not in an operation or in (fighting) rounds, but at war. This morning, Hamas launched a murderous surprise attack against the State of Israel and its citizens. We have been in this since the early morning hours. I convened the heads of the security establishment and ordered – first of all – to clear out the communities that have been infiltrated by terrorists,” Netanyahu said

It’s rare to see Israel, the country with an intelligence agency like The Mossad to be caught asleep. How did the Mossad not see this coming? Israeli surveillance system and spy network is considered the most advanced in the world! Is it over-confidence or just pure negligence?

Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against terror, says President Abbas

In a high-level meeting, Abbas directed officials “to provide protection for the Palestinian people and provide all that is necessary to bolster the resilience and steadfastness of the Palestinian people in facing the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation and settler gangs”.

Social Media posts from the ground shows graphic reality

“Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” Vs. “The Sword of Iron”

Dramatic war footages are coming in where you can see the militants doing a combined raid through para-gliders, through the sea and through the ground. The Israeli army have been seen arresting hamas fighters and active shooting is being reported online.

IRAN, TURKEY, QATAR have been supporting Hamas for years now. As the war escalates their official spokespersons have called for a dialogue. But, they have more to hide than to say. Turkey has called for a restraint from all parties. Iran has been the most vocal in the recent years in supporting the actions of Hamas. This escalation is going to make the middle east politically unstable again. The world needs to choose its sides wisely.

We declare Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and within the initial 20-minute strike, we fired more than 5,000 rockets.


Our forces were fighting Palestinian militants on the ground in several locations near the Strip. Our Operation is called “Swords of Iron”

Israel Army

Where does the world stand?

The Western countries condemn Hamas’ surprise attack from Gaza, express solidarity with Israel. The United States have also ramped up security to protect the Jewish community in the country as the tensions rise. Social media has been filled with content on how the Joe Biden Government has cracked a deal with Iran and provided them funds and weapons through Ukraine, that resulted in the current conflict in Israel. Some of the posts are even carrying old videos and X (Formerly known as Twitter) have been factchecking posts on its platform.

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted on X, “Deeply shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour “

The President of the United States have also condemned the attacks ans stated that, “Israel has the right to defend itself”. The United States have also announced an aid of 8 billion Dollars to Israel in this hour of need.

European Union

The European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen said that the 27-nations of the EU “unequivocally” condemns “terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel” and called for an immediate stop to the violence, adding that “terrorism in its most contemptible form”. She added, “Israel has the right to defend itself against such odious attack.”

The West

The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Australia, Czech Republic, and Poland have also expressed their solidarity and support with Israel. The western countries condemn this indiscriminate and abhorrent attacks by Hamas on Israel, its cities and civilians. The west recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself.

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