The Election Commission of India (ECI) announced the schedule for the state assembly elections in Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Mizoram today. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, along with EC Anup Chandra Pandey and EC Arun Goel, addressed a press conference and unveiled the dates of the elections. Of the five states, only Chhattisgarh will have a two-phase election, while the rest will be conducted in a single phase. The counting and results for all five state elections will be announced on December 3rd. By December 5th, the Election Commission of India (ECI) will have completed the entire polling exercise. The EC urges everyone to cooperate and adhere to the designated parameters and guidelines to ensure a peaceful and smooth election process. Violators will face stern action.
SCHEDULE for Legislative Assembly Elections of #MIZORAM, #CHHATTISGARH, #MADHYAPRADESH, #RAJASTHAN & #TELANGANA#ECI #AssemblyElections2023 #MCC #ElectionSchedule
— Election Commission of India #SVEEP (@ECISVEEP) October 9, 2023
5 states, 679 assemblies, 16 crore voters
There are a total of 679 assembly seats and 16 crore voters in these five states. Among these voters, there are 8.24 crore male voters and 7.88 crore female voters. In Chhattisgarh and Mizoram, the percentage of female voters is higher than that of male voters, while in Telangana, the proportion is equal. These five states’ voters constitute approximately 1/6th of the total country’s voters. Madhya Pradesh is at the top of the list in terms of the highest number of voters, with 5.6 crore, followed by Rajasthan (5.25 crore), Telangana (3.17 crore), Chhattisgarh (2.03 crore), and Mizoram (8.53 lakhs).
The term of the legislative assembly of Chhattisgarh will end on January 3, 2024, followed by Madhya Pradesh on January 6th, Rajasthan on January 14th, and Telangana on January 16th. The term of the Mizoram legislative assembly ends on December 17th, 2023.
60 lakh new voters
This time, around 60 lakh first-time voters are going to cast their votes in the five state elections. Out of this population of 15.39 lakh young voters, they are eligible to cast their votes due to the amendment on qualifying dates. To guide and inspire the youth, around 2,900 polling stations will be managed by young individuals. The Election Commission (EC) will set up a total of 1.77 lakh polling stations in these five states during the elections, and out of these, 101,000 polling stations will have webcasting facilities.
Inter-state border check posts
The Election Commission (EC) has announced that people can report any electoral malpractice via the cVigil app and will receive a response within 100 minutes for each complaint. Additionally, 940 inter-state border check posts will be established in these five states to prevent any illicit cash, liquor, freebies, or drugs from crossing borders. To ensure free and fair elections, the EC is implementing an election seizure management system.
Special summary revision
The Election Commission of India (ECI) has declared that during the 2nd Special Summary Revision (SSR), over 57.9 lakh additions, 20.6 lakh deletions, and 22.35 lakh modifications were made in five states.