Former Indian cricketer Ambati Rayudu has embarked on a new journey in politics by joining the ruling party YSRCP in Andhra Pradesh. As anticipated, Rayudu officially joined the YSRCP in the presence of the Chief Minister and YSRCP chief, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, at the Tadepalli camp office. Deputy CM Narayana Swamy and MP Midhun Reddy were also present on the occasion. Ambati expressed that he is impressed with YS Jagan’s efforts in advancing the state in terms of welfare and development, which motivated him to support and join the party. Following Rayudu’s entry into politics, discussions have arisen in political circles regarding the constituency he might contest from within YSRCP. While Rayudu has an interest in contesting from Guntur, it remains unclear whether he will compete in the assembly segment or the Lok Sabha segment.
#BREAKING: Former cricketer Ambati Rayudu joins YSRCP, CM @ysjagan welcomes him into the party fold
— Akshita Nandagopal (@Akshita_N) December 28, 2023
Rayudu Likely to Contest from Guntur Lok Sabha?
After joining the YSRCP and speaking to Sakshi media channel, Ambati Rayudu clearly stated that he is focusing on Guntur. However, the decision regarding which constituency he will be given will be made by Chief Minister Jagan soon, as mentioned by Ambati. Hailing from Guntur, Ambati Rayudu aims to begin his political journey from his hometown. In the 2019 elections, YSRCP secured victory in 15 out of 17 seats in the combined Guntur district, with TDP winning Guntur West and Repalle assembly segments, as well as the Guntur Lok Sabha segment.
Ambati Rayudu visited AP Govt School at Guntur.#NaduNedu #AndhraPradesh #JaiYSRCP
— Jagan Squad (@JaganSquad) June 29, 2023
There are speculations that YS Jagan may offer the Guntur Lok Sabha ticket to Ambati Rayudu, as Jagan believes Rayudu is a capable candidate to challenge TDP MP Galla Jayadev in that constituency. Rayudu, belonging to the dominant Kapu community and being a well-known face in cricket, has been actively engaging with the locals in Guntur for the past few months. Given Rayudu’s image and his expressed desire to work with the YSRCP, Jagan is likely considering him as the best candidate for the Guntur Lok Sabha seat.
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Political Buzz Around Rayudu After Retirement from Cricket
Ambati Rayudu played 55 One Day International matches for the Indian team and participated in 6 international T20 matches. He announced his retirement from international cricket after not being selected for the World Cup by Team India. Subsequently, he also declared retirement from domestic cricket, only to later reverse that decision. However, with the final IPL match in May of this year, while playing for CSK, Rayudu officially retired from the IPL, stating that this time there would be no U-turn.
2 great teams mi nd csk,204 matches,14 seasons,11 playoffs,8 finals,5 trophies.hopefully 6th tonight. It’s been quite a journey.I have decided that tonight’s final is going to be my last game in the Ipl.i truly hav enjoyed playing this great tournament.Thank u all. No u turn 😂🙏
— ATR (@RayuduAmbati) May 28, 2023
Since retiring from cricket, Rayudu has been in the news due to speculation about his potential entry into politics. As a member of the Kapu community, initial speculation hinted at a possible association with the Janasena. Later, Rayudu openly supported the YSRCP, strongly indicating his intention to join the party. Eventually, he formally joined the party, meeting with CM YS Jagan. In the coming days, Jagan is expected to provide clarity on Rayudu’s role in the 2024 elections.
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